How to sell 500 great flying LED copters in 30 minutes at beach or playground?

Selling flying LED copters requires skills

Sales is a communication skill that requires a lot of thought and practice. Selling flying LED copters at beach or playground also requires enough wisdom and perseverance. However, there is a difference between selling flying LED copters on beach and play ground and selling them in traditional toy stores. It requires more “on-site” performance from the sales staff.

So, How to sell 100 flying LED copters in 30 minutes at beach? Kindly follow below tips:

Novel instrument suitable for salesperson

It requires salesperson to dress novelly and be clean and hygienic, which means giving people a good impression.

Better place to sell

It requires sales staff to choose a sales location that is the entrance of people, which means a sales point with a large flow of people.

Better affinity attracts customers

It requires salespeople to have enough affinity, because people playing at beach and playgound are highly mobile, salespeople must be able to win over customers immediately, so that customers can understand and immediately become interested in flying LED copters.

Perfect display of flying LED copters Friendly interact with customers

It most requires salespeople to perfectly demonstrate the flying effect of flying LED copters. Flying LED copters must be launched high enough into the air, fly stable enough, and have high brightness (the lighting characteristics of LED must be considered, and only high-brightness moment must be displayed), let the flying LED copters “rest” for a while and then emit them again after the light becomes weak), and the flight display time should be long enough.

Attract customers before sales

When salesperson displays flying LED copters, there will always be children watching around. Those who have never been exposed to the product will be very curious. At this time, the salesperson should be friendly and shout out to the children who show strong interest. Ask: “This toy is so cool and fun, are you interested in buying one?” If they answer that they want to buy, then they will go to their parents to spend money to buy.

Communicate during sales and quickly teach customers

When children and parents come to buy, communicate with them patiently and teach them how to fold wings, how to turn on LED lights, how to attach rubber bands, and how to launch flying LED copters.

High quality after-sales service

If a child who needs to change the color or style, salesperson should do a friendly after-sales service, so that customer will introduce salesperson to their friends or buy more themselves.

Fixed sales location, fixed time

After sales person selects a beach or playground for sale, he should appear at that sales point on time every day or weekend night in the summer, so that potential customers who have not purchased at this sales point, and some customers will bring their friends came to buy.


Above are the tips for selling 500 flying LED coptes in half an hour. Salesmen need to master much product knowledge and sales skills of flying LED copters, and have enough patience and perseverance to make more money quickly.

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